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Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry


  1. Aleliūnas A., Statkevičiūtė G., Jonavičienė K., Kemešytė V., Brazauskas G. 2015. Evaluation of perennial ryegrass association mapping population for freezing tolerance traits. In Molecular Breeding of Forage and Turf. Eds. Budak H., Spangenberg G.- Springer Dordrecht, p. 9–18.
  2. Butkutė B., Liaudanskienė I., Jankauskienė Z., Gruzdevienė E., Cesevičienė J., Amalevičiūtė K. 2015. Features of carbon stoch in the biomass of industrial hemp and stinging nettle. In renewable Energy in the service of Mankind. Vol I. / ed. Ali Sayigh.- Springer, p. 17–30.
  3. Butkutė B., Cesevičienė J., Lemežienė N., Norkevičienė E., Dabkevičienė G., Liatukas Ž. 2015. The variation of ash and inorganic elements concentrations in the biomass of Lithuania – grown Swichgrass (Panicum virgatum L.). In renewable Energy in the service of Mankind, Vol I. / ed. Ali Sayigh.- Springer, p. 75–90
  4. Deveikyte I., Sarunaite L., Seibutis V. 2015. Evaluation of pre- and postemergence herbicide combinations for broadleaved weeds in sugar beet. In Herbicides, Agronomic Crops and Weed Biology / ed. Price A., Kelton J., Sarunaite L. Publisher: InTech, p. 53–71. DOI: 10.5772/61437
  5. Jankauskienė J., Brazaitytė A., Viškelis P. 2015. Effect of Different Growing Substrates on Physiological Processes, Productivity and Quality of Tomato in Soilless Culture. In.: Soilless Culture – Use of Substrates for the Production of Quality Horticultural Crops. Intech, p. 99–124. DOI: 10.5772/59547
  6. Kelton J. A., Price A. J., Balkcom K. S., Faircloth W. H., Sarunaite 2015. Peanut performance and weed management in a high-residue cover crop system. In Herbicides, Agronomic Crops and Weed Biology / ed. Price A., Kelton J., Sarunaite L. Publisher: InTech, p. 95–112. DOI: 10.5772/61650
  7. Urbonavičienė D., Viškelis P., Bartkienė E., Juodeikienė G., Vidmantienė D. 2015. The use of lactic acid bacteria in the fermentation of fruits and vegetables—technological and functional properties. In Biotechnology. InTech, p. 135–164. DOI: 10.5772/59938
  8. Viskelis P., Radzevicius A., Urbonaviciene D., Viskelis J., Karkleliene R., Bobinas C. 2015. Biochemical parameters in tomato fruits from different cultivars as functional foods for agricultural, industrial, and pharmaceutical uses. In: Plants for the Future. Ed. Hany El-Shemy. InTech, Rijeka, p. 45–77. DOI: 10.5772/60873