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Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Research departments

Department of Silviculture

Head Dr. Gintautas Urbaitis, gintautas.urbaitis@mi.lt, +370 37 54 73 27

Research topics

  • Reforestation and afforestation research, seedlings cultivation technologies
  • Forest stands development, sustainability and productivity, forest harvesting technologies
  • Forest hydrology and peatland forestry
Department of Forest Genetics and Tree Breeding

Head Dr. Virgilijus Baliuckas, Virgilijus.Baliuckas@mi.lt, +370 37 54 72 89

Research topics

  • Phenogenetic plasticity and genotipe x environment interaction of the main forest tree species with different life history traits
  • Forest tree species adaptation and genetic diversity distribution pattern assessment due to climate change
  • Selection and testing of ecological plasticity and adaptation of fast-growing forest tree families and clones for plantation forestry
  • Evaluation of forest tree genetic adaptation possibilities by the means of epigenetic studies
  • Ecogenetic research of forest trees by testing in a controlled environment
  • Introgression of local simpatric species and breeding for perspective hybrids
  • Ecogenetic research and breeding of perspective introduced tree species
  • Invasiveness and impacts of alien species to forest communities
Department of Ecology

Head Dr. Vidas Stakėnas, vidas.stakenas@mi.lt, +370 37 54 72 47

Research topics

  • Changes and indication of condition of stands, ground vegetation and soils in forest ecosystems
  • Impact of climate changes and air pollution on forest ecosystems
  • Physical, chemical and microbiological properties of forest soils, anthropogenic contamination and renaturalization
  • Carbon and nitrogen turnover in forest ecosystems
  • Diversity of forest vegetation
Department of Forest Resources, Economics and Policy

Head Assoc. Prof. Dr. Artūras Gedminas, arturas.gedminas@mi.lt, +370 37 54 72 83

Research topics

  • Forest resources and economic efficiency of their usage
  • Influence of globalization and innovations on economic viability and efficiency of forestry in Lithuania
  • Influence of economic and social changes on development of sustainable private forestry
  • Influence of bio-ecological factors on roundwood and sawnwood properties and structure
Department of Forest Protection and Game Management

Head Assoc. Prof. Dr. Artūras Gedminas, arturas.gedminas@mi.lt, +370 674 18 957

Research topics

  • The identification of the damages and the assessment of the reasons causing damages
  • The evaluation of forest phytopathogenic fungi,insects and animals biology, ecology and phenology, the observation of the dynamic
  • The assessment of the phytopathogenic fungi, insects and animals effect on forest ecosystem
  • The selecting, testing and the efficacy evaluation of new and exiting forest protection products and methods
Laboratory of Forest Plant Biotechnology

Head Assoc. Prof. Dr. Sigutė Kuusienė, sigute.kuusiene@mi.lt, +370 37 54 73 19

Research topics

  • Studies of forest plant genetic variety by the use of DNA markers methods
  • Studies related to somatic embriogenesis and organogenesis of various tree species in tissue culture and condition balancing for the development of tree micropropagation technologies
  • Establishment of Populus hybrids and early estimation of genetic variety by the use of tissue culture and DNA markers methods