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Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Research departments

Laboratory of Plant Protection

Head Dr. Alma Valiuškaitė, a.valiuskaite@lsdi.lt, +370 37 55 52 17

Research topics

  • Biology, ecology and diversity of horticultural pathogen and pest species, abundance and distribution of pathogen and pest populations, epidemiology of diseases
  • Biological studies on relatively new pathogen and pest species appearing in relation with changing climate
  • Development of forecasting methods of harmful organisms and integrated plant protection of horticultural crops
  • Efficiency of forecasting models for pests and diseases in horticultural plants under Lithuanian climatic conditions using internet forecasting system iMETOS®sm (Pessl Instrumental, Austria)
  • Alternatives and biological  plant protection products efficiency in horticultural plants
  • Efficacy trials of the new plant protection products according to GEP (Good Experimental Practice) standards
Laboratory of Plant Physiology

Head Dr. Akvilė Viršilė, a.virsile@lsdi.lt, +370 37 555 217

Research topics

  • Biology of plant morphogenesis and flowering initiation
  • Plant photophysiology: the manipulation of photosynthesis photomorphogenesis and metabolism, the creation of plant irradiation principles
  • Plant ecophysiology: modulation of differential and complex impact of changing climate and anthropogenic factors
  • Plant productivity physiology. Optimization of crop or plantation physiological parameters by technological means, the formation of biopotential and realization in ontogenesis
Laboratory of Biochemistry and Technology

Head Prof. Dr. Pranas Viškelis, biochem@lsdi.lt, +370 37 55 54 39

Research topics

  • Fruit, berry and vegetable quality, modelling and optimization of storage and processing methods
  • Chemical composition of fruits, berries and vegetables, biologically active compounds and technological properties
  • Storage and processes of processing of fruits, berries, vegetables and spice herbs are investigated, modelled and optimized for maximal preservation of biochemical composition of raw material
  • In the open access Fruit and Vegetable Processing Technologies Simulation Centre processing recipes are created, new technologies are tested and experimental batches are produced
Sector of Vegetable Breeding

Head Dr. Rasa Karklelienė, r.karkleliene@lsdi.lt, +370 37 55 53 70

Research topics

  • Development of breeding and biotechnology basis for garden plants, creation of varieties, investigation, preservation and collection of their genetic resources
  • Breeding of competitive vegetable varieties andhybrids by utilizing local genetic resources. Breeding of tomatoes, carrots, red beet, onions, garlic and other vegetables
  • Vegetable and spice plants’ cultivation and propagation technologies, adaptation and selection of plants suitable for cultivation in Lithuania, seed production
Sector of Vegetable Growing Technologies

Head Vytautas Zalatorius, vytautas.z@lsdi.lt, +370 37 55 55 35

Research topics

  • Development of horticultural science, elaboration and improvement of different vegetable growing technologies
  • Effects of technological, agrobiological and environmental factors on various vegetable plants, their productivity and quality; develops and improves various mechanized vegetable growing technologies, investigates medicinal and rare plants’ growing technologies. In cooperation with the pesticide, fertilizer and machinery companies, the sector carries out testing of their products
  • Agrobiological research on vegetable-growing technological elements is conducted in greenhouses covered with double and single stabilized polymeric film
  • A lot of emphasis is placed on organic vegetable production, the effects of various ecological substances on yield and quality
  • Basic soil fertilization with organic granulated fertilizers in vegetable growing and potato crop fertilization granulated organic fertilizer
Department of Horticulture Technologies

Head Dr. Darius Kviklys, d.kviklys@lsdi.lt, +370 37 55 53 04

Research topics

  • Optimization of orchard plant vegetative and generative development
  • Investigation of biological and economical features of rootstock-cultivar combinations for the modern commercial orchards under Lithuanian agro climatic conditions
  • Creation of economically based technologies of cultivation and management of intensive dwarf and semi-dwarf orchards
  • Development of berry plant growing technologies for fresh market and processing
  • Investigation of biological and technological properties of fruit and berry plants
  • Development of orchard plant propagation technologies
  • Investigation of fruit load and fruit quality
  • Creation of ecological fruit and berry growing technologies under Lithuanian agro climatic conditions
  • Economical analysis of horticulture busines
Department of Orchard Plant Genetics and Biotechnology

Head Prof. Dr. habil. Vidmantas Stanys, v.stanys@lsdi.lt, +370 37 55 52 53

Research topics

  • Genetic control of orchard plant traits and creation of new breeding methods
  • Modification of plant genetic structure using biotechnological methods
  • Breeding of fruit and decorative plants