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Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Dissertations defended

List of doctoral dissertations in 2009–€“2016


  • Akvilė Jonavičienė. Causal agents of seedling blight (Fusarium spp., Microdochium spp.) and snow mold (Microdochium spp.) – their occurrence and damage in cereals.
  • Andrius Aleliūnas. Identification of functional markers for freezing tolerance in perennial ryegrass (Lolium perenne L.).
  • Ilona Kerienė. Mycotoxins and their relationship with phenolic compounds in buckwheat grain.
  • Agnė Veršulienė. Long-term changes of the soil properties in different agroecosystems and their complex influence on agrocenosis.


  • Nijolė Liepienė. Indentification, pathogenicity, harmfulness and control of lupin anthracnose fungus Colletotrichum spp.
  • Jovita Mikaliūnienė. Resistance of red clover (Trifolium pratense L.) to fungal diseases and their qualitative indicators.
  • Lina Žičkienė. Mineral nitrogen fluxes in different soils.
  • Karolina Gvildienė. The quality of composts, their effect on soil and plants.
  • Jelena Titova. Influence of fertilization with sewage sludge compost on biomass formation of energy plants and changes of chemical elements.
  • Ieva Jokubauskaitė. Changes in dissilved and humified carbon in acid soil as influenced by different liming and fertilization systems.
  • Neringa Rasiukevičiūtė. Genetic and phenotypic diversity of Botrytis spp. from strawberey and onion, diseases forecasting and control.
  • Adas Marčiulynas. Biology and significance of the spruce bud scale (Physokermes piceae Shrank.) to sanitary conditions of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) in Lithuania.
  • Gediminas Čapkauskas. Natural disturbances of forest stand development: tree damages and risk of defoliation.
  • Valda Araminienė. Birch sp. health and growth under current and simulated climate condition.
  • Kristina Amalevičiūtė. Changes in the properties of Pachiterric Histosol as influed by management and renaturalization.
  • Asta Kazlauskaitė-Jadzevičė. Changes of Haplic Luvisol properties and proctivity of phytocenoses with altering land use.


  • Ingrida Verbylienė. Effects  of agricultural practices on migration of chemical elements in sandy loam Luvisol
  • Danutė— Jablonskytė—-Raščė—. The regularities of formation of productivity and quality indicators of common wheat and spelt under the conditions of organic agriculture
  • Rytis Zizas. The influence of forest structure on the capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) habitats and distribution in South-Eastern Baltic see region
  • Diana Marčiulynienė—. Characterization of Hymenoscyphus fraxineus polulations of different origin and susceptibility of common ash to the dieback pathogen
  • Rita Verbylaitė—. European aspen (Populus tremula L.) in Lithuania: genetic diversity of plus trees and populations assessed using molecular markers
  • Vaida Žičkienė—. Allelopathic impact of dominant species of pinetum-vacciniosum clear-cuts on scots pine seedling growth under changing climate conditions


  • Ramūnas Sirtautas. Light and other environmental effects on nutritional quality of lettuce
  • Rūta Staugaitienė. Effect of different sulphur fertilisation rates on plant productivity and on changes in sulphur content in soil and plants
  • Vaiva Bražinskienė—. The effect of organic and conventional farming types on the amount of antioxidant compounds in potato tubers
  • Rimantas Tamošiūnas. Bioecology, infestation levels and control of fruit damaging common sawflies (Hymenoptera, Symphyta, Tenthredinidae) in apple and plum orchards
  • Birutė— Frercks. Genetic variation of brown rot blossom blight pathogens and their hosts sweet and sour cherry
  • Birutė— Vaitelytė. Patterns of distribution of insect pests (Ceutorhynchus spp., dasineura brassicae) on stems and pods of winter and spring oil seed rape crops and damage done by these pests
  • Sidona Sikorskaitė—-Gudžiūnienė—. Genetic characteristics of diversity of apple resistance to apple scab
  • Agnė— Piliponytė—-Dzikienė—. Populations structure composition and dynamics of the blackleg causal fungi Leptosphaeria maculans and L. biglobosa
  • Rita Armonienė—. Freezing tolerance in winter wheat: gene identification and analysis
  • Girmantė— Jurkšienė—. Pedunculate (Quercus robur L.) and Sessile Oak (Q. petraea [Matt.] Liebl.) Hybridization, Regeneration and Effects on Soil Microbiota
  • Povilas Žemaitis. Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) condition and disturbances in the changing climate


  • Vanda Lukoševičiūtė—. Characterization of cold acclimation and cold hardiness of strawberry in vitro and in vivo
  • Inga Stepulaitienė—. Development of sour cherry generative organs and formation of spring frost resistance
  • Rasa Buožytė—. The effects of wood ash and nitrogen on ground vegetation in Vaccinio-pinetum stands
  • Jūratė— Ramanauskienė—. Evaluation of eyespot damage and research into Oculimacula spp. population in winter cereals
  • Danguolė— Nemeikšienė—. Optimization of nitrogen cycling by using forage legumes as green manure in the organic agrosystem
  • Rasa Rutkauskienė—. Levels of magnesium compounds of different solubility in predominant soil types in Lithuania, effects on agricultural plants
  • Jurata Buchovska. Geographical distribution patterns of DNA polymorphism of Scot pine (Pinus sylvestris L.) at the eastern part of the species range


  • Ramunė— Bobinaitė—. Phytochemical, biological and technological evaluation of raspberry cultivars grown in Lithuania
  • Akvilė— Viršilė—. Photophysiological effects on the metabolite dynamics in green vegetables and sprouts
  • Jonas Žiauka. Influence of ethylene, gibberellin and abscisic asid on the morphogenesis control in aspen (Populus tremula L.) and its hybrids under designed environmental conditions
  • Aurelija Liatukienė—. Investigation of genetic diversity of Lucerne (Medicago spp.) by identifying resistance to pathogens and mobile aluminium
  • Vita Tilvikienė—. Management of tall fescue, cocksfoot and reed canary grass swards for biogas, biomass quality and energy value
  • Rūta Česnulevičienė—. Harmfulness of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) fungal diseases, their prevention and control
  • Vaclovas Makūnas. Species diversity of pollen beetles (Meligethes s.l.: Coleoptera, Nitidulidae) in oilseed rape and resistance of Meligethes aeneus (F.) to pyrethroids
  • Gabrielė— Pšibišauskienė—. Biological changes in segetal flora in the agrophytocenose of spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) differing in competitive ability


  • Sandra Sakalauskienė—. The modelling of complex impact of changing climate and environmental factors on pea physiological indices
  • Audrius Radzevičius. Evaluation and selection of tomato varieties in order to bread heterosic hybrids
  • Vidmantas Bendokas. Inheritance and genetic control of apple canopy architecture
  • Kristina Jonavičienė—. Genetic diversity of Phleum SPP. and identification of genes involved in water stress response
  • Gražina Statkevičiūtė—. Pyrenophora teres populiation structure and spring barely resistance to net blotch
  • Laura Masilionytė—. Changes of different productivity soil parameters in organic and sustainable cropping systems
  • Vilma Kemešytė—. Assessment of short-lived ryegrass (Lolium) genus for  agro-biological traits and suitability for breeding
  • Virmantas Povilaitis. Aspects of cereal yield formation in agroecosystems of different intensity
  • Ringailė— Lukšienė—. DNA polymorphism of common ash (Fraxinus excelsior L.) and the influence of ecological conditions in vitro on morphogenesis in isolated embryo culture
  • Mindaugas Škė—ma. Quantitative and qualitative indices of underbrush biomass in Lithuanian Forests
  • Justinas Kretavičius. Properties and quality indicators of fifferent biological origin honey and their relationship to decrystallization
  • Donatas Šumskis. Soil sampling methods for pH tests in soils of different genesis and relief and geostatistical analysis of data


  • Egidijus Vilčinskas. Assessment of clover species (Trifolium spp.) diversity in Lithuania: Agrobiological and genetic aspects


  • Gintarė— Šabajevienė—. The management of apple photosynthesis indexes and morphogenesis processes in the high density
  • Jurga Sakalauskaitė—. Integrated impact of climatic and anthropogenic factors on radish (Raphanussativus L.) photosynthesis
  • Inga Liaudanskienė. The influence of sustainable soil tillage and crop rotations on the distribution of carbon in soil fractions
  • Vaclovas Stukonis. Narrow-leaved species of genus Festuca in Lithuania and their suitability for turf
  • Skaidrė— Supronienė. Factors influencing the occurrence of Fusarium fungi and mycotoxin accumulation in cereal grain
  • Gražina Kadžienė—. Integrated assessment of the variation of soil properties in different soil tillage’€“ fertilization systems
  • Asta Baliuckienė—. Genetic variation of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) in the context of adaptation, gene conservation and breeding
  • Jūratė— Aleinikovienė—. Renaturalization of arable arenosols in the south of Lithuania: changes in chemical properties and microflora
  • Ramunė— Areškevičienė—. The research of genetic diversity of Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) plus trees and populations by using RAPD markers