Home Lithuanian
Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry


State Institutions

President of the Republic of Lithuania https://www.lrp.lt/en/
Seimas of the Republic of Lithuania http://www.lrs.lt/sip/portal.show?p_k=2
Government of the Republic of Lithuania http://lrv.lt/en/
Ministry of Environment of the Republic of Lithuania
Ministry of Energy of the Republic of Lithuania http://enmin.lrv.lt/en/
Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Lithuania http://finmin.lrv.lt/en/
Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania http://kam.lt/en/title.html
Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Lithuania http://lrkm.lrv.lt/en/
Ministry of Social Security and Labour of the Republic of Lithuania http://www.socmin.lt/en/home.html
Ministry of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania http://sumin.lrv.lt/en/
Ministry of Health of the Republic of Lithuania http://sam.lrv.lt/en/
Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Lithuania http://www.smm.lt/web/en/
The Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Lithuania http://en.tm.lt/
Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Lithuania http://ukmin.lrv.lt/en/
Ministry of the Interior of the Republic of Lithuania http://vrm.lrv.lt/en/
The Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania http://zum.lrv.lt/en/
Office of Ombudsman for Academic Ethics and Procedures of the Republic of Lithuania http://www.etika.gov.lt/en/

State Research Institutes

Center for Physical Sciences and Technology https://www.ftmc.lt/en/
Nature Research Centre http://www.gamtostyrimai.lt/en/
Centre for Innovative Medicine http://www.imcentras.lt/en/
Lithuanian Social Research Centre http://www.lstc.lt/index_en.php
Lithuanian Institute of Agrarian Economics https://www.laei.lt/?lng=en
Lithuanian Energy Institute http://www.lei.lt/index.php?k=9
Lithuanian Language Institute http://lki.lt/
Institute of Lithuanian Literature and Folklore http://www.llti.lt/en/
Lithuanian Institute of History http://www.istorija.lt/en/
Lithuanian Culture Research Institute http://www.lkti.lt/en/aboutus
National Cancer Institute http://www.nvi.lt/?page_id=2814&lang=en

 State universities

Aleksandras Stulginskis University http://asu.lt/language/en/
Kaunas University of Technology http://2017.ktu.edu/en/
Klaipėda University https://www.ku.lt/en/
Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences http://leu.lt/en/home_leu.html
Lithuanian Sports University http://www.lsu.lt/en
Lithuanian Academy of Music and Theatre
Lithuanian University of Health Sciences http://www.lsmuni.lt/en/
Mykolas Romeris University http://www.mruni.eu/en/
Šiauliai University http://www.su.lt/index.php?lang=en
Vilnius Academy of Arts http://www.vda.lt/en/
Vilnius University https://www.vu.lt/en/
Vytautas Magnus University http://www.vdu.lt/en/

Experts Institutions

Lithuanian Academy of Sciences http://www.lma.lt/en/
Lithuanian Research Council http://www.lmt.lt/en/news.html
Centre for Quality Assessment in Higher Education http://www.skvc.lt/default/en/


Central Project Management Agency https://www.cpva.lt/en/home.html

European Social Fund Agency


Agency for Science, Innovation and Technology (MITA)

National Paying Agency under the Ministry of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania https://www.nma.lt/index.php?lang=2
Education Exchanges Support Foundation http://smpf.lt/en 

 Valley, Science and Business Integration

Valley "Nemunas" http://www.slenis-nemunas.lt/en
Baltic Valley http://balticvalley.lt/en/
Santaka Valley
Santara Valley
Sunrise Valley http://sunrisevalley.lt/en/
Research and Higher Education Monitoring and Analysis Centre (MOSTA) http://www.mosta.lt/en/
Knowledge Economy Forum http://www.zef.lt/en/

Other institutions

Plant Gene Bank http://www.agb.lt/index_eng.htm
Lithuanian Agriculture Advisory Service http://www.lzukt.lt/default.aspx?EN=1
State Plant Service under the Ministry of Agriculture http://www.vatzum.lt/en/
Chamber of Agriculture of the Republic of Lithuania https://www.zur.lt/en/

Associations, unions

The Association of Agricultural and Forestry Research Institutes http://www.ammia.lt
Lithuanian Grain Processors' Association http://www.allgrain.lt/en/about-us
Lithuanian Aerospace Association http://space-lt.eu/en/
Association of Lithuanian Serials http://serials.lt/news/
Lithuanian Research Library Consortium http://www.lmba.lt/en

Association of Lithuanian Agricultural Companies

Lithuanian Scientific Society http://lms.lt/en/
Lithuanian Junior Researchers Society http://www.ljms.lt
Lithuanian Agronomists Union https://lt-lt.facebook.com/Lietuvos-agronom%C5%B3-s%C4%85junga-LAS-358600610912365/
Lithuanian Farmers’ Union http://lus.lt/en/