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Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Admission to PhD programmes

Based on LR Minister of Education and Science’s order, in 2011 Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry was granted a right for doctoral studies in 4 science fields:

  • Agronomy and Forestry jointly with Aleksandras Stulginskis University,
  • Ecology and Environmental Science jointly with Vytautas Magnus and Aleksandras Stulginskis University and Natural Research Centre,
  • Biochemistry jointly with Vytautas Magnus and Lithuanian University of Health Sciences and Nencki Experimental Biology Institute (Poland).

The doctoral studies provided by Centre conform to the contemporary problematics of agricultural and forestry sciences, up-to-date methods and facilities are used in research work. Studies and research work are headed by experienced researchers. Centre’s researchers of respective fields participate in the development of curricular and their subject programmes, take part in doctoral studies' committees and thesis defence boards.

For more information contact us: vita.tilvikiene@lammc.lt
