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  1. Baniulis D., Zhang H., Zakharova T., Cramer W. A. 2011. Purification and Crystallization of the Cyanobacterial Cytochrome b6f Complex. In: Methods in Molecular Biology, Photosynthesis Research Protocols / ed. R. Carpentier – Humana Press Inc, Totowa NJ, 684: 65–77.
  2. Cramer, W. A., Yamashita E., Baniulis D., Hasan S. S. The Cytochrome b6f Complex of Oxygenic Photosynthesis. In: Handbook of Metalloproteins / ed. A. Messerschmidt. John Wiley & Sons; Chichester, 2011, p. 16–28.
  3. Bouriaud, L., Kastenholz, E., Fodrek, L., Karaszewski, Z., Mederski, P., Rimmler, T., Rummukainen, A., Sadauskiene, L., Salka, J. & Teder, M. 2011. Policy and market-related factors for innovation in forest operations enterprises. In: Weiss, G., Pettenella, D., Ollonqvist, P. & Slee, B. (eds.). Innovation in Forestry – Territorial and Value Chain Relationships. CAB International, Wallingford, UK, p. 276–293.
  4. Maikštėnienė S., Masilionytė L. 2011. The effect of sustainable and organic farming systems on the balance of biogenic elements and changes of agrochemical properties in Gleyic Cambisol. In: Research in organic farming. In Tech, Rijeka, Croatia, ISBN 978-953-307-381-1, p. 17–32.
  5. Petraitienė E., Brazauskienė I., Vaitelytė B. 2011. The effect of insecticides on pest control and productivity of winter and spring oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.). In.: Insecticides – advances in integrated pest management / ed. F. Perveen. InTech – Open Access Publisher, p. 343–366.
  6. Ruzgas V., Liatukas Ž. 2011. The Lithuanian wheats pool. In: World Wheat Book. A History of Wheat Breeding. Volume 2 / ed. by Drs Alain Bonjean, Bill Angus and Maarten van Ginkel (ICARDA’s Deputy Director General – Research). Lavoisier, France, p. 175–191.