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Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Laboratory of Plant Physiology

Dr. Akvilė Viršilė
Head of Laboratory, Chief Researcher
+370 37 555 217
Dr. Aušra Brazaitytė
Chief Researcher
+370 37 55 54 76
Dr. Giedrė Samuolienė
Chief Researcher
+370 37 55 54 76
Prof. Dr. habil. Pavelas Duchovskis
Chief Researcher
+370 37 55 54 76
Dr. Jurga Miliauskienė
Senior Researcher
+370 37 55 54 76
Dr. Sandra Sakalauskienė
Senior Researcher
+370 37 55 54 76
Viktorija Vaštakaitė
PhD Student
+370 37 55 54 76