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Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Prof. Dr. habil. Zenonas Dabkevičius

Tel. +370 347 37057
+370 347 37096
Instituto al. 1, Akademija, 58344 Kė—dainiai distr.

Date of birth

26 August, 1954


1971–1976€“ studies at the Lithuanian Academy of Agriculture, graduated with a diploma of scientific agronomist
1968–“1971 Betygala Secondary School

Degree and pedagogic names

Prof. Dr. habil. Zenonas Dabkevičius defended a doctoral thesis in 1985, was conferred a dr. habil. degree in 1995, became a professor of agronomy in 2001.

Research fields

  • Plant pathology and plant protection
  • Microbiology
  • Plant genetic resources
  • Renewable energy sources

Professional experience

From 2016 Foreign member of Latvian Academy of Sciences
From 2013 Professor is foreign member of Latvian Academy of Sciences
From 2012 Foreign Member of the Swedish Academy of Agriculture and Forestry
From 2011 A full member of the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences, Chairman of  the Division of Agricultural and Forestry Sciences, a member of the Board of Agricultural Science.
2010–€“present Director of Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
1997–2009 Director, head scientist of the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture
1992–€“1997 Deputy director for science of the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture
1984–€“1992 Head of Department of Phytopathology of the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture
1976–€“1984 A junior research worker of the Lithuanian Institute of Agriculture

Other activity

He delivers a course of lectures to undergraduate and postgraduate students, supervises PhD studies.
Chairman of the editorial board of journal “Zemdirbyste-Agriculture”, a member of the editorial boards of journals Žemės ūkio mokslai”€ (€œAgricultural sciences€), Research on Crops”€ (India), Progress in Plant Protection” (Poland) etc.


Articles in journals indexed in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database

  1. Slepetiene A., Slepetys J., Tilvikiene V., Amaleviciute K., Liaudanskiene I., Ceseviciene J., Kadziuliene Z., Dabkevicius Z., Buliauskaite R. 2016. Evaluation of chemical composition and biogas production from legumes and perennial grasses in anaerobic digestion using the oxitop system. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 25 (5): 1342–1347. IF – 0,372
  2. Tilvikiene V., Kadziuliene Z., Dabkevicius Z., Venslauskas K., Navickas K. 2016. Feasibility of tall fescue, cocksfoot and reed canary grass for anaerobic digestion: Analysis of productivity and energy potential. Industrial crops and products, 87–96 (online). DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.01.033  IF – 3,449
  3. Vilkienė M., Ambrazaitienė D., Karčauskienė D., Dabkevičius Z. 2016. Assessment of soil organic matter mineralization under various management practices. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science, 66 (8): 641–646. DOI: 1080/09064710.2016.1162845 IF – 0,649
  4. Butkutė B., Lemežienė N., Kanapeckas J., Navickas K., Dabkevičius Z., Venslauskas K. 2014. Cocksfoot, tall fescue and reed canary grass: Dry matter yield, chemical composition and biomass convertibility to methane. Biomass and Bioenergy, 66: 1–11. DOI: 10.1016/j.biombioe.2014.03.014  IF – 3,394
  5. Janusauskaite D., Baliuckas V., Dabkevicius Z. 2013. Needle litter decomposition and enzyme activities on dune sands and soil properties as affected by native Pinus sylvestris L. and alien Pinus mugo of different ages. Baltic Forestry, 19 (1): 50–60. IF – 0,304
  6. Baltaduonytė M., Dabkevičius Z., Brazienė Z., Survilienė E. 2013. Dynamics of spread and control of Cercospora (Cercospora beticola Sacc.) and Ramularia (Ramularia beticola Fautrey & F.Lamb.) leaf spot in sugar beet crops. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (4): 401–408. DOI: 10.13080/z-a.2013.100.051  IF – 0,523
  7. Gaurilčikienė I., Ramanauskienė J., Dagys M., Simniškis R., Dabkevičius Z., Supronienė S. 2013. The effect of strong microwave electric field radiation on: (2) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seed germination and sanitation. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (2): 185–190. DOI: 10.13080/z-a.2013.100.024  IF – 0,523
  8. Statkevičiūtė G., Jonavičienė K., Semaškienė R., Leistrumaitė A., Dabkevičius Z., Brazauskas G. 2012. Barley pathogen Pyrenophora teres f. teres population structure in Lithuania. Journal of Plant Pathology, 98 (3): 601–608. IF – 0,91
  9. Supronienė S., Mankevičienė A., Kadžienė G., Kačergius A., Feizienė D., Feiza V., Semaškienė R., Dabkevičius Z., Tamošiūnas K. 2012. Impact of tillage and fertilization on Fusarium infection and mycotoxin production in wheat grains. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (3): 265–272. IF – 0,567
  10. Tilvikienė V., Venslauskas K., Navickas K., Župerka V., Dabkevičius Z., Kadžiulienė Ž. 2012. The biomass and biogas productivity of perennial grasses. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (1): 17–22. IF – 0,567
  11. Mankevičienė A., Butkutė B., Dabkevičius Z. 2011. Peculiarities of cereal grain co-contamination with Fusarium mycotoxins intercrops. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 98 (4): 415–420. IF – 0,232
  12. Suproniene S., Mankeviciene A., Kadziene G., Feiziene D., Feiza V., Semaskiene R., Dabkevicius Z. 2011. The effect of different tillage-fertilization practices on the mycoflora of wheat grains. Agricultural and Food Science, 20 (4): 315–326. IF – 0,925
  13. Kryževičienė, A. Kadžiulienė Ž., Šarūnaitė L., Dabkevičius Z., Tilvikienė V., Šlepetys J. 2011. Cultivation of Miscanthus × giganteus for biofuel and its tolerance of Lithuania’s climate plants. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 98 (3): 267–274. IF – 0,232
  14. Mankevičienė A., Butkutė B., Gaurilčikienė I., Dabkevičius Z., Supronienė S. 2011. Risk assessment of Fusarium mycotoxins in Lithuanian small cereal grains. Food Control, 22: 970–976. DOI: 10.1016/j.foodcont.2010.12.004   IF – 2,812
  15. Statkevičiūtė G., Brazauskas G., Semaškienė R., Leistrumaitė A., Dabkevičius Z. 2010. Pyrenophora teres genetic diversity as detected by ISSR analysis. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (4): 91–98. IF – 0,232
  16. Suproniene S., Justesen A. F., Nicolaisen M., Mankeviciene A., Dabkevicius Z., Semaskiene R., Leistrumaite A. 2010. Distribution of trichothecene and zearalenone producing Fusarium species in grain of different cereal species and cultivars grown under organic farming conditions in Lithuania. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine (AAEM), 17: 79–86. IF – 1,062
  17. Pranaitiene R., Danilcenko H., Jariene E., Dabkevicius Z. 2008. The effect of inhibitors on the changes of potato tuber quality during the storage period. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Enviromnent, 6 (3&4): 231–235. F  – 0,282
  18. Mankevičienė A., Butkutė B., Dabkevičius Z., Supronienė S. 2007. Fusarium mycotoxins in Lithuanian cereals from the 20042005 harvests. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine (AAEM), 14 (1): 103–107. IF – 1,074
  19. Dabkevičius Z., Mikaliūnaitė R. 2006. Effect of fungicidal seed treaters on germination of rye ergot (Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul.) sclerotia and on ascocarp formation. Crop Protection, 25 (7): 677–683. ISSN 0261-2194.   IF – 1,199

Other peer-reviewed publications

  1. Marčiulynienė D., Lygis V., Pliūra A., Krivickaitė R., Dabkevičius Z. 2015. Paprastojo uosio šeimų jautrumas džiūvimui panaudojant dirbtinį sodinukų apkrėtimą Hymenoscyphus fraxineus. Miškininkystė, 1 (77): 7–19
  2. Vilkienė M., Ambrazaitienė D., Karčauskienė D., Dabkevičius Z. Prevencinės dirvožemio organinės medžiagos mažėjimo priemonės. Proceedings of the 18th Conference for Junior Researchers “Science – Future of Lithuania”. Vilnius, Lietuva. Article Number: aplinka 17: 1–4.
  3. Tilvikiene V., Kadziuliene Z., Dabkevicius Z., Šarūnaitė L., Šlepetys J., Pocienė L., Šlepetienė A., Ceseviciene J. 2014. The yield and variation of chemical composition of cocksfoot biomass after five year of digestate application. Grassland Science in Europe, 19: 468–470
  4. Mikaliūnaitė R., Dabkevičius Z. 2009. The spread of ergot (Claviceps purpurea) on Poaceae plants and incidente on cereals in Lithuania. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 96 (4): 246–259
  5. Tilvikienė V., Butkutė B., Dabkevičius Z., Kadžiulienė Ž., Kryževičienė A. 2009. Nendrinių eraičių ir paprastųjų šunažolių biomasės kaita plaukėjimo bei žydėjimo tarpsniais. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 96 (2): 138–150.
  6. Ronis A., Semaškienė R., Dabkevičius Z., Liatukas Ž. 2009. Influence of leaf diseases on grain yield and yield components in winter wheat. Journal of Plant Protection Research, 49 (2): 151–157
  7. Dabkevičius Z., Sinkevičienė J., Semaškienė R., Sirvydas A., Kerpauskas P. 2008. The effect of thermal treatment on spring barley seed infection and germination. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 95 (4): 172–182.
  8. Mankevičienė A., Supronienė S., Dabkevičius Z., Auškalnienė O. 2008. The incidente of Fusarium fungi and mycotoxins in wheat grain as affected by growth regulators. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 95 (3): 251–258.
  9. Smatas R., Tamosiunas K., Semaskiene R., Dabkevicius Z., Lazauskas S. 2008. Trends in aphid occurrence in spring barley in 1976–2007. Journal of Plant Protection Research, 48 (3): 275–282.
  10. Dabkevičius Z., Gelvonauskis B., Leistrumaitė A. 2008. Investigation of genetic resources of cultivated plants in Lithuania. Biologija, 54 (2): 51–55.
  11. Tilvikienė V., Kadžiulienė Ž., Kryževičienė A., Dabkevičius Z., Lazauskas S. 2008. Biomass og grasses for energy: possibilities and Expectation. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 3 (3): 561–562.
  12. Dabkevičius Z., Sirvydas P. A., Sinkevičienė J., Šaluchaitė A., Vasiliauskaitė I. 2008. Fizikinių veiksnių ir cheminių priemonių svarba išvengiant vasarinių miežių ligų. Žemės ūkio mokslai, 15 (4): 28–34.
  13. Butkutė B., Dabkevičius Z. 2008. Individualių gliukozinolatų kaupimosi dėsningumai ir jų tarpusavio santykis rapsų sėklose. Žemės ūkio mokslai, 15 (2): 24–31.
  14. Mankevičienė A., Dabkevičius Z., Supronienė S., Mačkinaitė R. 2007. Mikroskopinių grybų plitimo ir mikotoksinų kiekio žieminių kviečių grūduose priklausomumas nuo jų nuėmimo laiko. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 94 (3): 162–175.
  15. Mikaliūnaitė R., Dabkevičius Z. 2007. New host-species of Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul. from Poaceae family in Lithuania. Journal of Plant Protection Research, 47 (4): 409–416.
  16. Butkutė B., Dabkevičius Z. 2007. Agropriemonių bei genotipo įtaka gliukozinolatų kaupimuisi rapsų sėklose ir jų kiekio įvairavimas išspaudose. Gyvulininkystė, 49: 40–55.
  17. Mankevičienė A., Gaurilčikienė I., Dabkevičius Z., Semaškienė R., Mačkinaitė R., Supronienė R. 2006. Mycotoxin contamination of Lithuanian-grown cereal grains and factors determining it. Ekologija, 3: 21–27.
  18. Supronienė S., Auškalnienė O., Dabkevičius Z., Mankevičienė A. 2006. The effects of growth regulators on spring barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) morphological indicators and grain contamination with fungi and mycotoxins. Agronomy Research, 4: 397–401. ISSN 1406-894X
  19. Semaškienė R., Mankevičienė A., Dabkevičius Z., Supronienė S. 2006. Effect of fungicides on Fusarium infection and production of deoxynivalelon in spring cereals. Agronomy Research, 4: 363-366.
  20. Mikaliūnaitė R., Dabkevičius Z. 2006. Efficacy of seed treaters on the germination of ergot (Claviceps purpurea (Fr.) Tul.) sclerotia and stroma formalion. Agronomy Research, 4: 303–306.

Other publications

  1. Baltaduonytė M., Dabkevičius Z., Brazienė Z. 2013. The spread of fungal leaf diseases in sugar beet crops. Rural development 2013, 22–28
  2. Kadžiulienė Ž., Šarūnaitė L., Tilvikienė V., Šlepetys J., Dabkevičius Z. 2013. Biomass og grasses and other herbaceous plants for bioenergy use. Proceedings 22nd International Grassland Congress, 1782–1785
  3. Tilvikienė V., Kadžiulienė Ž., Dabkevičius Z. 2013. The use of digestate as fertilizer: effect on cocksfoot productivity and total energy input. Proceedings 22nd International Grassland Congress, 1503–1504
  4. Tilvikienė V., Kadžiulienė Ž., Dabkevičius Z. 2010. The Evaluation of tall fescue, cocksfoot and reed canary grass as energy crops for biogas production system. Grass Science in Europe, 15: Grassland in a Changing World, 304–306
  5. Kadziuliene Z., Dabkevicius Z., Sarunaite L., Kadziulis L. 2008. Contribution of lucerne and red clover to succeeding cereal crops yield. Multifunctional Grasslands in a Changing World, 1: XXI International Grassland Congress; VIII international Rangeland congress, 87.

Monographs, books, textbooks and their sections published by national publishers

  1. Dabkevičius Z. 2009. Mikologijos pagrindai / mokomoji knyga. Lietuvos žemdirbystės institutas, 128 p.
  2. Dabkevičius Z. 2008. Mikrobiologijos ir bakteriologijos pagrindai / mokomoji knyga. VšĮ Šiaulių universiteto leidykla, 103 p.
  3. Dabkevičius Z., Mikaliūnaitė R. 2008. Virusologijos pagrindai / mokomoji knyga. VšĮ Šiaulių universiteto leidykla, 65 p.
  4. Dabkevičius Z., Brazauskienė I. 2007. Augalų patologija / vadovėlis aukštosioms mokykloms. IDP Solution, 493 p.: iliustr.
  5. Dabkevičius Z., Vasiliauskas A., Žiogas A. 2006. Miško fitopatologija / vadovėlis aukštosioms mokykloms. Kaunas: Lututė, 356 p.: iliustr.













