Home Lithuanian
Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry

Dr. Vita Tilvikienė

Tel.  +370 347 37292
Fax  +370 347 37096
E-mail:  vita.tilvikiene@lammc.lt
Instituto aleja 1, Akademija,  58344 Kė—dainiai distr.

Date of birth

18 January, 1983


2007€–2011€“ PhD studies at Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry. Topic: “€œManagement of tall fescue, cocksfoot and reed canary grass swards for biogas, biomass quality and energy value”€. Completed with a doctoral degree in agricultural sciences, agronomy

2005€–2007 University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering. Graduated with a master’€™s degree in mechanical engineering

2001–2005 University of Agriculture, Faculty of Agricultural Engineering. Graduated with a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering

Professional experience

  • From 2016 Senior researcher, Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
  • 2014–2016 Researcher, Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
  • 2011–2014 Junior researcher, Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
  • From 2011 Scientific secretary, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
  • 2010–2014 Scientific secretary, Institute of Agriculture, Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry
  • 2009–€“2010 Administration assistant, Lithuanian Institute Agriculture
  • 2007–€“2009 UAB €œ“Plungės prekyba”€ export manager

In-service training

  • 2013 October  21–€“25 National courses “€œProgramming and statistics with R programme”€, Lithuania, certificate received.
  • 2011 April 1–May 7 Research fellowship  Aarhus university (Denmark). Research work on energy crops.
  • 2009 March  2–€“6 International courses €“Renewable energy technology”€, Lithuania.
  • 2008 March 3–€“7 International courses “€œEnergy crops and biogas production”€, Estonia.
  • 2008 February 11€–12 International courses “€œMethodology of research”€, Latvia.

Participation in programmes and projects

National projects

  • 2013–€“2016 “Scientific validation of C3 and C4 herbaceous plants’€™ multi-functionality for innovative technologies: phyto-raw materials –bio-products – environmental effects€”
  • 2008–2010 “€œPlant biomass energy value enhancement by biotechnology methods”

International projects

  • 2013–2016 €“Optimizing pathways and market systems for enhanced competitiveness of sustainable bioenergy and technologies in Europe”
  • 2010–2013 “Baltic Forum for Innovation Technologies for Sustainable manure Management”
  • 2009–€“2012 “Promoting the uptake of gaseous vehicle fuels, biogas and natural gas in Europe”€
  • 2009–€“2012 “The Baltic Sea Region Bioenergy Promotion Project”

Other activity

  • 2013 a member of the organizing committee of international conference “Baltic Agronomy Forum”€.
  • Co-compiler of the book “€œScientific methodologies for innovative agricultural and forestry research”€.
  • Co-author of informational publications of Lithuanian Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry.
  • Since 2012 a member of European Society of Agronomy.
  • Since 2011 a member of Nordic Association of Agricultural Sciences.


  • In 2013 Lithuanian Academy of Sciences awarded the prize for the scientific work “The productivity, biomass quality and energy value of traditional and alternative energy crops”€.
  • In 2012, was awarded for the scientific presentation at the conference “Young scientists – agricultural progress”€œ, organized by the Lithuanian Academy of Sciences.


Articles in journals indexed in Clarivate Analytics Web of Science database

  1. Slepetiene A., Staugaitis Z., Tilvikiene V., Slepetys J., Kadziuliene Z. 2017. The effect of mineral fertilizers and biogas digestate used for cocksfoot fertilizition on the soil nitrogen changes. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 26 (4): 2604–2608. IF – 0,372
  2. Kadžiulienė Ž., Tilvikienė V., Liaudanskienė I., Pocienė L., Černiauskienė Ž., Zvicevičius E., Raila A. 2017. Artemisia dubia growth, yield and biomass characteristics for combustion. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 104 (2): 99–106 IF –  0,579
  3. Slepetiene A., Slepetys J., Tilvikiene V., Amaleviciute K., Liaudanskiene I., Ceseviciene J., Kadziuliene Z., Dabkevicius Z., Buliauskaite R. 2016. Evaluation of chemical composition and biogas production from legumes and perennial grasses in anaerobic digestion using the oxitop system. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 25 (5): 1342–1347. IF – 0,372
  4. Tilvikiene V., Kadziuliene Z., Dabkevicius Z., Venslauskas K., Navickas K. 2016. Feasibility of tall fescue, cocksfoot and reed canary grass for anaerobic digestion: Analysis of productivity and energy potential. Industrial crops and products, 87–96 (online). DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2016.01.033 IF – 3,449
  5. Povilaitis V., Šlepetienė A., Šlepetys J., Lazauskas S., Tilvikienė V., Amalevičiūtė K., Feizienė D., Feiza V., Liaudanskienė I., Cesevičienė J., Kadžiulienė Ž., Kukujevas A. 2016. The productivity and energy potential of alfalfa, fodder galega and maize plants under the conditions of the nemoral zone. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science, 66 (3): 259–266. DOI: 10.1080/09064710.2015.1093651 IF – 0,649
  6. Nekrošius A., Navickas K., Venslauskas K., Kadžiulienė Ž., Tilvikenė V. 2014. Assessment of energy biomass potential and greenhouse gas emissions from biogas production from perennial grasses. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 101 (3): 271–278. DOI: 10.13080/z-a.2014.101.035  IF – 0,420
  7. Kadžiulienė Ž., Jasinskas A., Zinkevičius R., Makarevičienė V., Šarūnaitė L., Tilvikienė V., Šlepetys J. 2014. Miscanthus biomass quality composition and methods of feedstock preparation for conversion into synthetic diesel fuel. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 101 (1): 27–34. DOI: 10.13080/z-a.2014.101.004  IF – 0,420
  8. Tilvikienė V., Venslauskas K., Navickas K., Župerka V., Dabkevičius Z., Kadžiulienė Ž. 2012. The biomass and biogas productivity of perennial grasses. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (1): 17–22. IF – 0,567
  9. Kryževičienė, A. Kadžiulienė Ž., Šarūnaitė L., Dabkevičius Z., Tilvikienė V., Šlepetys J. 2011. Cultivation of Miscanthus × giganteus for biofuel and its tolerance of Lithuania’s climate plants. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 2011, 98 (3): 267–274. IF – 0,327

Other peer-reviewed publications

  1. Staugaitis Ž., Šlepetienė A., Tilvikienė V., Kadžiulienė Ž. 2016. Suminė ir labilioji anglis dirvožemyje tręšiant šunažolę mineralinėmis trąšomis ir biodujų gamybos šalutiniu produktu. Žemės ūkio mokslai, 23 (3): 123–129.
  2. Cerniauskiene Z., Raila A., Zvicevicius E., Kadziuliene Z., Tilvikiene V. 2016. Influence of harvest time of Artemisia Dubia Wall. properties. Engineering for Rural Development, p. 826–831
  3. Tilvikiene V., Kadziuliene Z., Dabkevicius Z., Šarūnaitė L., Šlepetys J., Pocienė L., Šlepetienė A., Ceseviciene J. 2014. The yield and variation of chemical composition of cocksfoot biomass after five year of digestate application. Grassland Science in Europe, 19: 468–470
  4. Pocienė L., Šarūnaitė L., Tilvikienė V., Šlepetys J., Kadžiulienė Ž. 2013. The yield and composition of reed canary grass biomass as raw material for combustion. Biologija, 59 (2): 195–200
  5. Povilaitis V., Tilvikienė V., Lazauskas S., Kadžiulienė Ž. 2010. Javų bioenergetinis potencialas vidurio Lietuvoje. Ekonomika ir vadyba: aktualijos ir perspektyvos, 3 (19): 103–109
  6. Tilvikienė V., Butkutė B., Dabkevičius Z., Kadžiulienė Ž., Kryževičienė A. 2009. Nendrinių eraičinų ir paprastųjų šunažolių biomasės kaita plaukėjimo bei žydėjimo tarpsniais. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 96 (2): 138–150
  7. Tilvikienė V. 2009. Antrinių žaliavų, fermentuotų biodujų gamybos procese, panaudojimas paprastųjų šunažolių tręšimui. Doktorantų mokslinės konferencijos straipsnių rinkinys. Jaunimas siekia pažangos – 2009, 70–73.
  8. Tilvikiene V., Kadziuliene Z., Kryzeviciene A., Dabkevicius Z., Lazauskas S. 2008. Biomass of grasses for energy: possibilities and expectations. Italian Journal of Agronomy, 3 (3): 561–562

Other publications

  1. Kadžiulienė Ž., Šarūnaitė L., Tilvikienė V., Šlepetys J., Dabkevičius Z. 2013. Biomass og grasses and other herbaceous plants for bioenergy use. Proceedings 22nd International Grassland Congress, 1782–1785
  2. Tilvikienė V., Kadžiulienė Ž., Dabkevičius Z. 2013. The use of digestate as fertilizer: effect on cocksfoot productivity and total energy input. Proceedings 22nd International Grassland Congress, 1503–1504
  3. Kadziuliene Z., Tilvikiene V., Dabkevicius Z. 2012. The variation of structural biopolymers in biomass of perennial grasses used for biogas. Grassland science in Europe, 17: 472–474
  4. Tilvikiene V., Kadziuliene Z., Slepetys J. 2012. The productivity of Miscanthus under Lithuania’s climate conditions: a two-year study. Grassland science in Europe, 18
  5. Tilvikienė V. Daugiamečių žolių auginimas biodujoms ir jų energinė vertė. Jaunieji mokslininkai – žemės ūkio pažangai, 64–65
  6. Tilvikienė V., Šarūnaitė L., Pocienė L., Kadžiulienė Ž. 2012. Biomass potential of perennial energy grasses. Jaunoji energetika, 9: 47–52
  7. Slepetys J., Kryzeviciene A., Kadziuliene Z., Sarunaite L., Tilvikiene V., Dabkevicius Z. 2012. Biomass potential of Miscanthus × giganteus grown in Lithuania for bioenergy purposes. Grassland science in Europe, 17: 496–498
  8. Slepetys J., Kadziuliene Z., Sarunaite L., Tilvikiene V., Kryzeviciene A. 2012. Biomass potential of plants grown for bioenergy production. Renewable energy and energy efficiency. Proceedings of the international scientific conference, 66–72
  9. Tilvikiene V., Kadziuliene Z., Dabkevicius Z. 2011. Digestate application on cocksfoot (Dactylis glomerata L.) swards – effects on yield, N content and C/N ratio Grassland science in Europe, 16: 383–385
  10. Tilvikienė V., Kadžiulienė Ž., Dabkevičius Z. 2010. The evaluation of tall fescue, coksfoot and reed canary grass as energy crops for biogas production. Grasslans science in Europe, 15: 304–306
  11. Tilvikienė V., Kadžiulienė Ž. Dabkevičius Z. 2010. Effect of digestate application on cocksfoot biomass production and Quality. Treatment and use of organic residues in agriculture: Challenges and Opportunities towards sustainable management: proceedings of the 14th Ramiran International Conference, 1–4
  12. Tilvikienė V., Kadžiulienė Ž. Šarūnaitė L. 2010. Biomass of grasses and pastures for unusual use – biogas production. Jaunoji energetika, 7: 75–81
  13. Tilvikienė V., Kadžiulienė Ž., Dabkevičius Z. 2010. The evaluation of tall fescue, coksfoot and reed canary grass as energy crops for biogas production. Grassland science in Europe, 15: 304–306
  14. Tilvikiene V., Kadziuliene Z., Dabkevicius Z. 2009. Biomass of cocksfoot and tall fescue as a substrate for biogas production. Alternative functions of grassland. 15ht European Grassland Federation Symposium, Czech Republic, 322–324

Popular press articles

  1. Pocienė L., Tilvikienė V., Šarūnaitė L., Kadžiulienė Ž. 2012. Kokius augalus auginsime bioenergijai? Mano ūkis, 12: 18–20
  2. Lazauskas S., Tilvikienė V., Kuligowski K., Tonderski A., Skorpuski J. 2012. Energijos ir maisto medžiagų šaltinis slypi mėšle. Žemės ūkis, 12: 18–19
  3. Tilvikienė V., Povilaitis V., Lazauskas S., Kadžiulienė Ž. 2010. Javų bioenerginis potencialas vidurio Lietuvoje. Mano ūkis, 12
  4. Kadžiulienė Ž., Lazauskas S., Tilvikienė V. 2009. Baltijos jūros regiono šalis vienija bioenergetika. Mano ūkis, 11
  5. Kadžiulienė Ž., Šarūnaitė L., Tilvikienė V. 2009. Įprasta ir neįprasta žolynų paskirtis. Mano ūkis, 11
  6. Tilvikienė V., Kadžiulienė Ž., Dabkevičius Z. 2009. Žolių biomasė energetikai: galimybės ir perspektyvos. Mano ūkis, 2: 54–55
  7. Tilvikienė V., Kadžiulienė Ž. 2008. Biodujų substratas – atliekos ar alternatyvi trąšų rūšis? Ūkininko patarėjas, 145 (2345): 9





