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For agriculture
And forestry


  1. Adomaitis T., Staugaitis G., Mažvila J., Vaišvila Z., Arbačiauskas J., Lubytė J., Šumskis D., Švėgžda A. 2013. Leaching of base cations as affected by a forty-year use of mineral fertilisation. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (2): 119126.  IF – 0,523
  2. Ambrazaitienė D., Žukauskaitė A., Jakubauskaitė V., Reikaitė R., Zubrickaitė M., Karčauskienė D. 2013. Biodegradation activity in the soil contaminated with oil products. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (3): 235242.  IF – 0,523
  3. Anisimovienė N., Jankauskienė  J., Jodinskienė M., Bendokas V., Stanys V., Šikšnianas T. 2013. Phenolics, antioxidative activity and characterization of anthocyanins in berries of blackcurrant interspecific hybrids. Acta Biochimica Polonica, 60 (4): 767772.  IF – 1,389
  4. Armolaitis K., Aleinikovienė J., Lubytė J., Žėkaitė V., Garbaravičius P. 2013. Stability of soil organic carbon in agro and forest ecosystems on Arenosol. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (3): 227234. DOI: 10.13080/z-a.2013.100.029 IF – 0,523
  5. Armolaitis K.,  Varnagirytė-Kabašinskienė I., Stupak  I., Kukkola M., Mikšys V., Wójcik J. 2013. Carbon and nutrients of Scots pine stands on sandy soils in Lithuania in relation to bioenergy sustainability.  Biomass and Bioenergy, 54: 250–259.  IF – 3,411
  6. Armonienė R., Jonavičienė K., Ruzgas V., Brazauskas G. 2013. Isolation of differentially expressed genes in wheat caryopses with contrasting starch granule size. Central European Journal of Biology, 8 (3): 297305. IF – 0,633
  7. Armonienė R., Liatukas Ž., Brazauskas G. 2013. Evaluation of freezing tolerance of winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under controlled conditions and in the field. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (4): 417–424.  IF – 0,523
  8. Armoskaite V., Jakštas V., Ivanauskas L., Ražukas A., Ramanauskiene K., Briedis V. 2013. Application of HPLC-ELSD for the quantification of 5-aminolevulinic acid after penetration into human skin ex vivo. Analytical Letters, 46 (5): 717–733. IF – 0,982
  9. Asakaviciute R., Brazinskiene V., Razukas A. 2013. Short communication: Late blight Phytophtora infestans (Mont.) de Bary resistance evaluation in ten Lithuanian potato cultivars. Icelandic  Agricultural Sciences, 26: 45–48. IF – 0,071
  10. Baksienė E., Asakaviciute R. 2013. The effects of organic lake sediments on the crop rotation yield and soil characteristics in Southeast Lithuania. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research. 11 (4): 557567. IF 0,456
  11. Baltaduonytė M., Dabkevičius Z., Brazienė Z., Survilienė E. 2013. Dynamics of spread and control of cercospora (Cercospora beticola Sacc.) and ramularia (Ramularia beticola Fautrey & F.Lamb.) leaf spot in sugar beet crops. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (4): 401408.  IF – 0,523
  12. Baniulis D., S. Hasan S., Stofleth J. T., Cramer W. A. 2013. Mechanism of enhanced superoxide production in the cytochrome b6f complex of oxygenic photosynthesis. Biochemistry, 52 (50): 89758983.  IF – 3,194
  13. Baranauskienė R., Venskutonis P. R., Dambrauskienė E., Viškelis P. 2013. Harvesting time influences the yield and oil composition of Origanum vulgare L. ssp. vulgare and ssp. hirtum. Industrial Crops and products, 49: 43–51. IF – 3,208
  14. Bartkiene E., Schleining G., Rekstyte T., Krungleviciute V.,  Juodeikiene G., Vaciulyte-Funk L., Maknickiene Z. 2013. Influence of the addition of lupin sourdough with different lactobacilli on dough properties and bread quality. International Journal of Food Science  and Technology, 48 (12): 26132620.  IF – 1,354
  15. Bartkiene E., Vidmantiene D., Juodeikiene G., Viskelis P., Urbonaviciene D. 2013. Lactic acid fermentation of tomato: effects on cis/trans lycopene isomer, β-carotene mass fraction and formation of L(+)- and D(–)-lactic acid. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 51 (4): 471–478.  IF – 0,977
  16. Belova O. 2013. The impact of moose (Alces alces L.) on woody vegetation and potential role of  ecological corridors in the transboundary forests. Baltic Forestry, 19 (1): 6780. IF – 0,304
  17. Bobinaitė R., Viškelis P., Šarkinas A., Venskutonis R. 2013. Phytochemical composition, antioxidant and antimicrobial properties of raspberry fruit, pulp, and marc extracts.  CyTA-Journal of Food, 11 (4):  334–342.  IF – 0,495
  18. Brazauskas G., Xing Y., Studer B., Schejbel B., Frei U., Berg P.R., Lübberstedt T. 2013. Identification of genomic loci associated with crown rust resistance in perennial ryegrass ( Lolium perenne L.) divergently selected populations. Plant Science, 208: 3441.  IF – 4,114
  19. Brazauskienė I., Petraitienė E., Brazauskas G., Ronis A. 2013. Susceptibility of winter rape cultivars to fungal diseases and their response to fungicide application. Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 37 (6): 699710.  IF – 0,914
  20. Buchovska J.,  Danusevičius D., Baniulis D., Stanys V., J. Šikšnianienė B., Kavaliauskas D. 2013. The location of the northern post-glacial refugium of Scots pine based on the mitochondrial DNA markers. Baltic Forestry, 19 (1): 212.  IF – 0,304
  21. Butkutė B., Lemežienė N., Cesevičienė J., Liatukas Ž., Dabkevičienė G. 2013. Carbohydrate and lignin partitioning in switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) biomass as a bioenergy feedstock. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (3): 251260.  IF – 0,523
  22. Ceksterytė V., Kurtinaitiene B., Balzekas J. 2013. Pollen diversity in honey collected from Lithuania’s protected landscape areas. Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences, 62 (4): 277282.  IF – 0,373
  23. Dabkevičienė G., Kemešytė V., Lemežienė N., Butkutė B. 2013. Production of slender cocksfoot (Dactylis polygama H.) tetraploid populations and their assessment for agromorphological characteristics. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (3): 303310. IF – 0,523
  24. Danusevičius D., Buchowska J., Stanys V., Šikšnianienė J, Baliuckas V., Brazaitis G. 2013. Chloroplast DNA polymorphism of an exotic P. mugo Turra population introduced to seaside spit of Kursiu Nerija in Lithuania. European Journal Forest Research, 132 (1): 137150. IF – 1,682
  25. Danusevičius D., Buchowska J., Stanys V., Šikšnianienė J., Marozas V., Bendokas V. 2013. DNA marker based identification of spontaneous hybrids between Pinus mugo and P. sylvestris at the Lithuanian sea-side. Nordic Journal of Botany, 31 (3): 344352. IF 0,844
  26. Danusevičius, D., Marozas, V., Augustaitis, A., Plaušytė, E. 2013. A fast screening approach for genetic tolerance to air pollution in Scots pine field tests. iForest, 6: 262–267. DOI: 10.3832/ifor0701-006. IF – 1,092
  27. Finn J. A., Kirwan L., Connolly J., Sebastià M. T., Helgadottir A., Baadshaug O. H., Bélanger G., Black A., Brophy C., Collins R. P.,  Čop J., Dalmannsdóttir S., Delgado I., Elgersma A., Fothergill M., Frankow-Lindberg B. E., Ghesquiere A., Golinska B., Golinski P., Grieu P., Gustavsson A.-M., Höglind M., Huguenin-Elie O.,  Jørgensen M., Kadžiulienė Ž., Kurki P., Llurba R., Lunnan T., Porqueddu C., Suter, Ulrich Thumm M., Lüscher A. 2013. Ecosystem function enhanced by combining four functional types of plant species in intensively managed grassland mixtures: a 3‐year continental‐scale field experiment. Journal of  Applied Ecology, 50 (2): 365375. IF – 4,754
  28. Gaivelyte K., Jakstas V., Razukas A., Janulis V. 2013. Variation in the contents of neochlorogenic acid, chlorogenic acid and three quercetin glycosides in leaves and fruits of rowan (sorbus) species and varieties from collections in Lithuania. Natural Product Communications,  8 (8): 11051110. IF 0,924
  29. Gaurilčikienė I., Česnulevičienė R. 2013. The susceptibility of pea (Pisum sativum L.) to ascochyta blight under Lithuanian conditions. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (3): 283288. IF – 0,523
  30. Gaurilčikienė I., Ramanauskienė J., Dagys M., Simniškis R., Dabkevičius Z., Supronienė S. 2013. The effect of strong microwave electric field radiation on: (2) wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seed germination and sanitation. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (2): 185190.  IF – 0,523
  31. Hasan SS., Yamashita E., Baniulis D., Cramer WA. 2013. Quinone-dependent proton transfer pathways in the photosynthetic cytochrome b6f complex. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110 (11): 42974302. IF – 9,809
  32. Jablonskytė-Raščė D., Maikštėnienė S., Mankevičienė A. 2013. Evaluation of productivity and quality of common wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and spelt (Triticum spelta L.) in relation to nutrition conditions. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (1): 4556.  IF – 0,523
  33. Jankauskienė J., Brazaitytė A., Bobinas Č., Duchovskis P. 2013. Effect of transplant growth stage on tomato productivity. Acta Scientiarum Polonorum, Hortorum Cultus, 12 (2): 143152. IF – 0,522
  34. Jankauskienė Z., Gruzdevienė E. 2013. Physical parameters of dew retted and water retted hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) fibres. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (1): 7180.  IF – 0,523
  35. Janušauskaitė Dalia, Arlauskienė A., Maikštėnienė S. 2013. Soil mineral nitrogen and microbial parameters as influenced by catch crops and straw management. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (1): 918.  IF – 0,523
  36. Janušauskaitė Dalia, Baliuckas V., Dabkevičius Z. 2013. Needle litter decomposition and enzyme activities on dune sands and soil properties as affected by native Pinus sylvestris L. and alien Pinus mugo of different ages. Baltic Forestry, 19 (1): 5060.  IF – 0,304
  37. Janušauskaitė Daiva, Auškalnienė O., Feizienė D., Feiza V. 2013. Response of common barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) physiological parameters to agricultural practices and meteorological conditions. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (2): 127136.  IF – 0,523
  38. Janušauskaitė Daiva. 2013. Spring triticale yield formation and nitrogen use efficiency as affected by nitrogen rate and its splitting. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (4): 383392. IF – 0,523
  39. Janušauskaitė D., Kadžienė G., Auškalnienė O. 2013. The effect of tillage system on soil microbiota in relation to soil structure. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 22 (5): 13871391. IF – 0,600
  40. Kviklys D., Kviklienė N., Bielicki P., Bite A., Lepsis J., Univer T., Univer N., Uselis N., Lanauskas J. 2013. Baltic fruit rootstock studies: evaluation of apple (Malus domestica Borkh.) new rootstocks. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (4): 441446.  IF – 0,523
  41. Liatukienė A., Liatukas Ž., Schitea M., Ruzgas V. 2013. Disesase reaction of several lithuanian and romanian alafalfa cultivars. Romanian Agricultural Research, 30: 99108. IF – 0,186
  42. Liaudanskienė I., Šlepetienė A., Šlepetys J., Stukonis V. 2013. Evaluation of soil organic carbon stability in grasslands of protected areas and arable lands applying chemo-destructive fractionation. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (4): 339348. IF – 0,523
  43. Luksiene Z., Buchovec I., Viskelis P. 2013. Impact of high-power pulsed light on microbial contamination, health promoting components and shelf life of strawberries. Food Technology and Biotechnology, 51 (2): 284–292.  IF – 0,977
  44. Maknickiene Z., Asakaviciute R., Baksiene E., Ražukas A. 2013. Alkaloid content variations in Lupinus luteus L. and Lupinus angustifolius. Archives of Biological Sciences, 65 (1): 107112. IF – 0,607
  45. Marozas V., Armolaitis K., Aleinikovienė J. 2013. Changes of ground vegetation, soil chemical properties and microbiota following the surface fires in Scots pine forests. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 21 (1): 67–75. IF – 0,732
  46. Marozas V., Augustaitis A., Armolaitis K., Kliučius A., Pilkauskas M. 2013. Effects of planted European beech on the understory in Scots pine forests of Lithuania. iForest, 7: 12–18. DOI: 10.3832/ifor0695-007  IF – 1,150
  47. Mickevičius V., Voskienė A., Jonuškienė I., Kolosej R., Šiugždaitė J., Venskutonis P. R., Kazernavičiūtė R., Brazienė Z., Jakienė E. 2013. Synthesis and biological activity of 3-[Phenyl(1,3-thiazol-2-yl)-amino]propanoic acids and their derivatives. Molecules, 18 (12), 15000–15018.  IF – 2,095
  48. Olle M., Viršilė A. 2013. The effects of light-emitting diode lighting on greenhouse plant growth and quality. Agricultural and Food Sciences, 22 (2): 223–234.  IF – 1,000
  49. Paulauskas A., Jodinskienė M., Griciuvienė L., Žukauskienė J., Petraitienė E., Brazauskienė I. 2013. Morphological traits and genetic diversity of differently overwintered oilseed rape (Brassica napus L.) cultivars. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (4): 409–416.  IF – 0,523
  50. Radzevičius A., Sakalauskienė S., Dagys M., Simniškis R., Karklelienė R., Bobinas Č., Duchovskis P. 2013. The effect of strong microwave electric field radiation on: (1) vegetable seed germination and seedling growth rate. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (2): 179–184.  IF – 0,523
  51. Rugienius R., Blažytė A., Lukoševičiūtė V., Šikšnianienė J. B., Frercks B., Gelvonauskienė D., Gelvonauskis B., Sasnauskas A., Baniulis D., Stanys V. 2013. Genetic polymorphism of wild pear population in Lithuania. Baltic Forestry, 19 (1): 13–21.  IF – 0,304
  52. Sakalauskienė S., Sakalauskaitė J., Lazauskas S., Povilaitis V., Auškalnienė O, Pšibišauskienė G., Samuolienė G., Brazaitytė A., Duchovskis  P. 2013. Interactive effects of elevated CO2, temperature and water stress on Apera spica-venti L. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 11 (1): 1121–1124.  IF – 0,435
  53. Samuolienė G., Brazaitytė A., Jankauskienė J., Viršilė A., Sirtautas R., Novičkovas A., Sakalauskienė S., Sakalauskaitė J., Duchovskis P. 2013. LED irradiance level affects growth and nutritional quality of Brassica microgreens. Central European Journal of Biology, 8 (12): 1241–1249.  IF – 0,633
  54. Samuolienė G., Brazaitytė A., Sirtautas R., Viršilė A., Sakalauskaitė J., Sakalauskienė S., Duchovskis P. 2013. LED illumination affects bioactive compounds in romaine baby leaf lettuce. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 93 (13): 3286–3291. IF – 1,879
  55. Sikorskaite S., Rajamäki M.-L., Baniulis D., Stanys V., Valkonen J. 2013. PT Protocol: Optimised methodology for isolation of nuclei from leaves of species in the Solanaceae and Rosaceae families. Plant Methods, 9: 31. doi:10.1186/1746-4811-9-31.  IF – 2,586
  56. Skuodienė R., Karčauskienė D., Čiuberkis S., Repšienė R., Ambrazaitienė D. 2013. The influence of primary soil tillage on soil weed seed bank and weed incidence in a cereal-grass crop rotation. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (1): 25–32.  IF – 0,523
  57. Skuodienė R., Repšienė R., Karčauskienė D., Katutis K., Sendžikienė E. 2013. The effect of meadow phytocenoses productivity and herbage quality on the energy value of biomass.  Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (4): 349–354. IF – 0,523
  58. Stepulaitienė I., Žebrauskienė A., Stanys V. 2013. Frost resistance is associated with development of sour cherry (Prunus cerasus L.) generative buds. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (2): 175–178.  IF – 0,523
  59. Šarauskis E., Masilionytė L., Andriušis A., Jakštas A. 2013. The force needed for breaking and cutting of winter wheat and spring barley straw. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (3): 269276. IF – 0,523
  60. Šarūnaitė L., Deveikytė I., Arlauskienė A., Kadžiulienė Ž., Maikštėnienė S. 2013. Pea and spring cereal intercropping systems: advantages and suppression of broad-leaved weeds. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 22 (2): 541551. IF – 0,600
  61. Šiaudinis G., Butkutė B. 2013. Responses of Spring Oilseed Rape Seed Yield and Quality to Nitrogen and Sulfur Fertilization. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 44 (1-4): 145157.  IF – 0,423
  62. Šmatas R., Tamošiūnas K., Danytė V. 2013. Diversity and sex ratio of thrips (Thysanoptera) species in winter wheat in Lithuania. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (3): 289292. IF – 0,523
  63. Šlepetienė A., Liaudanskienė I., Šlepetys J., Stukonis V., Jokubauskaitė I. 2013. Soil carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus distribution in grassland systems, important for landscape and environment. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 21 (4): 263–272.  IF – 0,732
  64. Tripolskaja L., Booth C. A., Fullen M. A. 2013. A lysimeter study of organic carbon leaching from green manure and straw into a sandy loam Haplic Luvisol. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (1): 38.  IF – 0,523
  65. Tripolskaja L., Pirogovskaja G. 2013. Impact of climate variability in Lithuania and Belarus on atmospheric precipitation infiltration: lysimetric study. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (4): 369376. IF – 0,523
  66. Vaitelytė B., Brazauskienė I., Petraitienė E. 2013. Species diversity of weevils (Ceutorhynchus spp.), migration activity and damage in winter and spring oilseed rape. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 100 (3): 293302. IF – 0,523
  67. Žiauka J., Kuusienė S., Šilininkas M. 2013. Fast growing aspens in the development of a plant micropropagation system based on plant-produced ethylene action. Biomass and Bioenergy, 53: 20–28.  IF – 3,411