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Research centre
For agriculture
And forestry


  1. Antonius K., Karhu S., Kaldmäe H., Lacis G., Rugienius R., Baniulis D., Sasnauskas A., Schulte E., Kuras A., Korbin M., Gunnarsson A., Werlemark G., Ryliskis D., Todam-Andersen T., Kokk L., Jarve K. 2012. Development of the Northern European Ribes core collection based on a microsatellite (SSR) marker diversity analysis. Plant genetic resources: characterization and utilization, 10 (1): 70–73.  IF – 0.728
  2. Arlauskienė A., Maikštėnienė S. 2012. Mineral nitrogen dynamics and nitrate leaching in a catch crop and straw management system. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10 (3&4): 1188–1193.  IF – 0,435
  3. Baltrušaitis A., Aleinikovas M. 2012. Early-stage prediction and modelling strength properties of Lithuanian-grown scots pine (Pinus sylvestris L.). Baltic Forestry, 18 (2): 328–333. IF – 0.379
  4. Bakys R., Vasaitis R., Vasiliauskas A. 2012. Discoloration and associated fungi in stems of silver birch (Betula pendula Roth.) following logging damage. Forest Pathology, 42: 387–392. IF –1.67
  5. Bakšienė E., Ciūnys A. 2012. Dredging of lake and application of sapropel fo improvement of light soil properties. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 20 (2):  97–103.   IF – 1.041
  6. Baniulis D., Stepulaitienė I., Lukoševičiūtė V., Blažytė A., Stanys V., Rugienius R., Sasnauskas A. 2012. Accumulation of dehydrin-like proteins in pear (Pyrus communis L.) microshoots during cold acclimation. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (3): 293–298.
  7. Belova O. 2012. The impact of herbivorous mammals on woody vegetation in the different stages of forest succession. Baltic Forestry, 18 (1): 100–110. IF – 0.379
  8. Bendokas V., Gelvonauskiene D., Siksnianas T., Staniene G., Siksnianiene J. B., Gelvonauskis B., Stanys V. 2012. Morphological traits of phytomers and shoots in the first year of growth as markers for predicting apple tree canopy architecture.  Plant Breeding, 131 (1): 180–185. IF – 1.175
  9. Bhattacharyya R., Zheng Yi, Li Yongmei, Tang Li, M. Panomtaranichagul, S. Peukrai, Dao Chau Thu, Tran Huu Cuong, Truong Thi Toan, Jankauskas B., Jankauskiene G., Fullen M. A., Subedi M., Booth  C. A. 2012. Effects of biological geotextiles on aboveground biomass production in selected agro-ecosystems. Field Crops Research, 126: 23–36.  IF –2.474
  10. Bobinaitė R., Viškelis P., Venskutonis P. R. 2012. Variation of total phenolics, anthocyanins, ellagic acid and radical scavenging capacity in various raspberry (Rubus spp.) cultivars. Food Chemistry, 132 (3): 1495–1501. IF – 3.334
  11. Brazauskienė I., Petraitienė E., Piliponytė A., Brazauskas G. 2012. The pecularities of phoma stem canker (Leptosphaeria maculans/ L. biglobosa complex) infections on winter and spring oilseed rape (Brassica napus). Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (4): 379–386. IF – 0.567
  12. Burbulis N., Blinstrubiene A., Masiene R., Jankauskiene Z., Gruzdeviene E. 2012. Genotypic and growth regulator effects on organogenesis from hypocotyl explants of fiber flax (Linum usitatissimum L.). Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10 (1): 397–400.  IF – 0.517
  13. Ceseviciene J., Slepetiene A., Leistrumaite A., Ruzgas V., Slepetys J. 2012. Effects of organic and conventional production systems and cultivars on the technological properties of winter wheat. Journal of the Science of Food and Agriculture, 92 (14): 2811–2818.  IF – 1.759
  14. Ceksteryte V., Paplauskiene V., Tamasauskiene D., Pasakinskiene I., Mazeikiene I. 2012. Genetic characterization of honeybees lines based on ISSR polymorphism. Apidologie, 42: 625–662. IF – 2.155
  15. Česonienė L., Daubaras R., Viškelis P., Šarkinas A. 2012. Determination of the total phenolic and anthocyanin contents and antimicrobial activity of Viburnum opulus fruit juice. Plant Foods for Human Nutrition, 67 (3): 256–261. IF – 2.358
  16. Dabkevičienė G., Butkutė B., Lemežienė N., Jakštas V., Vilčinskas E., Janulis V. 2012. Distribution of formononetin, daidzein and genistein in Trifolium species and their aerial plant parts. Chemija, 23 (4): 306–311.  IF – 0,276
  17. Duchovskienė L., Survilienė E., Valiuškaitė A., Karklelienė R. 2012. Effects of organic and conventional fertilization on the occurrence of Brevicoryne brassicae L. and its natural enemies in white cabbage. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica. Section B, Soil & plant science, 62 (1): 16–22. IF – 0.705
  18. Danusevičius D., Marozas V.,  Brazaitis G., Petrokas R. Christensen K. I. 2012. Spontaneous hybridization between Pinus mugo and Pinus sylvestris at the Lithuanian Seaside: a morphological survey. The Scientific World Journal, Article ID 172407, 11 pages  DOI: 10.1100/2012/172407 IF – 1.73
  19. Feiziene D., Feiza,V., Kadziene G., Vaideliene A., Povilaitis V., Deveikyte I. 2012. CO2 fluxes and drivers as affected by soil type, tillage and fertilization. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B – Soil & Plant Science, 62 (4): 311–328. IF – 0.705
  20. Gaurilčikienė I., Česnulevičienė R., Janušauskaitė D., Ronis A. 2012. Management of seed borne root and foot rots diseases of pea (Pisum sativum L.) with a fungicide seed treatment. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (1): 77–84.
  21. Janušauskaitė Dalia, Česnulevičienė R., Gaurilčikienė I. 2012. Non-target effects of fungicidal pea seed treatment on soil microorganisms. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (4): 387–392. IF – 0.567
  22. Janušauskaitė Daiva, Auškalnienė O., Pšibišauskienė G. 2012. Photosynthetic responses of spring barley varieties to different stand densities under field conditions. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B – Soil & Plant Science, 62 (5): 441–448. IF – 0.705
  23. Janušauskaite Daiva & Feiziene  D. 2012. Chlorophyll fluorescence characteristics throughout spring triticale development stages as affected by fertilization. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B – Soil & Plant Science, 62 (1): 7–15. IF – 0.705
  24. Jonavičienė K., Studer B., Asp.T., Jensen L. B., Paplauskienė V., Lazauskas S., Brazauskas G. 2012. Identification of genes involved in a 6-days water deprivation response in timothy and mapping of orthologous loci in perennial ryegrass. Biologia Plantarum, 56 (3): 473–483. IF – 1.692
  25. Karklelienė R., Radzevičius A., Dambrauskienė E., Survilienė E., Bobinas Č., Duchovskienė L., Kavaliauskaitė D., Bundinienė O. 2012. Root yield, quality and disease of resistance of organically grown carrot (Daucus sativus Röhl.) hybrids and cultivars. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (4): 393–238. IF – 0.567
  26. Kinderiene I., Karcauskiene D. 2012. Effects of different crop rotations on soil erosion and nutrient losses under natural rainfall conditions in Western Lithuania. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B – Soil & Plant Science, 62 (Suppl.2): 199–205.  IF – 0.705
  27. Kviklys D., Kviklienė N., Bite A., Lepsis J., Univer T., Univer N., Uselis N., Lanauskas J., Buskienė L. 2012. Baltic fruit rootstock studies: evaluation of 12 apple rootstocks in North-East Europe. Horticultural Science, 39 (1): 1–7. IF – 0.786
  28. Lanauskas J., Kviklienė N., Uselis N., Kviklys D., Buskienė L. Mažeika R., Staugaitis G. 2012. The effect of calcium foliar fertilizers on ‘Ligol’ apple fruit. Plant, soil and environment, 58 (10): 465–470.  IF – 1.113
  29. Lanauskas J., Uselis N., Kviklys D., Kviklienė N., Buskienė L. 2012. Rootstock effect on the performance of sweet cherry cv. Lapins. Horticultural Science, 39 (2): 55–60. IF – 0.786
  30. Lazauskas S., Povilaitis V., Antanaitis Š., Sakalauskaitė J., Sakalauskienė S., Pšibišauskienė G., Auškalnienė O., Raudonius S., Duchovskis P. 2012. Winter wheat leaf area index under low and moderate input management and climate change. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment , 10 (1): 588–593.  IF – 0.517
  31. Liatukas Ž., Ruzgas V. 2012. Spot blotch resistance in derivatives of European winter wheat // Turkish Journal of Agriculture and Forestry, 36: 341–351. IF – 0.731
  32. Liatukas Ž., Ruzgas V., Razbadauskienė K., Brazauskas G., Koppel R. 2012. Winter wheat cultivars ‚Kovas DS‘, ‚Zunda DS‘, ‚Vikaras DS‘, ‚Kaskada DS‘ for high input farming: development and characterization. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (3): 255–264.  IF – 0.567
  33. Lukatkin A. S., Brazaitytė A., Bobinas Č., Duchovskis P. 2012. Chilling injury in chilling-sensitive plants: a review. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (2): 111–124.  IF – 0.567
  34. Lukoševičiūtė V., Rugienius R., Stanienė G., Blažytė A., Gelvonauskienė D., Bendokas V., Gelvonauskis B., Sasnauskas A., Stanys V., Bobinas Č. 2012. Low temperature storage of Fragaria sp. and Pyrus sp. genetic resources in vitro. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (2): 125–130. IF – 0.567
  35. Luksiene Z., Buchovec I., Kairyte K, Paskeviciute E., Viskelis P. 2012. High-power pulsed light for microbial decontamination of some fruits and vegetables with different surfaces. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10 (3&4): 162–167.  IF – 0.517
  36. Lukšienė R., Heinze B., Kuusienė S. 2012. Evaluation of genetic diversity in selected Fraxinus excelsior L. trees and their offspring using RAPD and microsatellite methods. Baltic Forestry, 18 (1): 65–72. IF – 0.379
  37. Marcinkonis S, Karmaza B, Booth CA. 2012. Geochemistry of freshwater calcareous sediments and longevity impacts of their application to acidic soils of eastern Lithuania. Journal of Environmental Engineering and Landscape Management, 20 (4): 285–291.  IF – 1.041
  38. Mazeikiene I., Bendokas V., Stanys V., Siksnianas T. 2012. Molecular markers linked to resistance to the gall mite in blackcurrant. Plant Breeding, 131 (6): 762–766.  IF – 1.175
  39. Nekrošienė R., Skuodienė R. 2012. Changes in Floristic Composition of Meadow Phytocenoses, as Landscape Stability Indicators, in Protected Areas in Western Lithuania. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 21 (3): 703–711.  IF – 0,462
  40. Ozolinčius R. 2012. Possible effects of climate change on forest biodiversity, tree growth and condition: review of research in Lithuania. Baltic Forestry, 18 (1): 156–167. IF – 0.379
  41. Paplauskienė V., Dabkevičienė G. 2012. A study of genetic diversity in Trifolium hybridum varieties using morphological characters and ISSR markers. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (3): 313–318.  IF – 0.567
  42. Petrokas R. and Baliuckas V. 2012. Natural hybridisation within Elms (Ulmus L.) in Lithuania. Baltic Forestry, 18 (2): 237–246.  IF – 0.379
  43. Romanovskaja D., Bakšienė E., Ražukas A. and Tripolskaja L. 2012. Influence of climate change on the European hazel (Corylus avellana L.) and Norway maple (Acer platanoides L.) phenology in Lithuania during the period 1961–2010. Baltic Forestry, 18 (2): 228–236.  IF – 0.379
  44. Sakalauskaitė J., Viskelis P., Duchovskis P., Dambrauskienė E., Sakalauskienė S., G. Samuolienė S., Brazaitytė A. 2012. Supplementary UV-B irradiation effects on basil  Ocimum basilicum L. growth and phytochemical properties. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10 (3&4 ): 342–346.  IF – 0.517
  45. Samuolienė G., Sirtautas R., Brazaitytė A, Viršilė A., Duchovskis P. 2012. Supplementary red-LED lighting and the changes in phytochemical content of two baby leaf lettuce varieties during three seasons. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10 (3&4): 701–706.  IF – 0.517
  46. Samuolienė G., Sirtautas R., Brazaitytė A., Duchovskis P. 2012. LED lighting and seasonality effects antioxidant properties of baby leaf lettuce. Food chemistry, 134 (3): 1494–1499. IF – 3.334
  47. Sazanova A., Bashmakov D. I., Brazaitytė A., Bobinas Č., Duchovskis P., Lukatkin A. S. 2012. The effect of heavy metals and thidiazuron on winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) seedlings. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (3): 273–278. IF – 0.567
  48. Sikorskaitė S., Gelvonauskienė D., Stanys V., Baniulis D. 2012. Characterization of microsatellite loci in apple (Malus × domestica Borkh.) cultivars. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (2): 131–138.  IF – 0.567
  49. Skuodienė R., Nekrošienė R. 2012. The effect of perennials as green manure on cereal productivity and disease incidence. Spanish Journal of Agricultural Research, 10 (1): 44–54. IF – 0.659
  50. Skuodienė R., Nekrošienė R., Repšienė R. 2012. Residual effects of perennial grasses as green manure on soil agrochemical properties and spring barely. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (3): 237–246.  IF – 0.567
  51. Stakėnas, V., Žemaitis, P. and Ozolinčius, R. 2012. Crown condition of Norway spruce in different eco-climatic regions of Lithuania: implications for future climate. Baltic Forestry, 18 (2): 187–195. IF – 0.379
  52. Stanys V., Baniulis D, Morkunaite-Haimi S., Siksnianiene J.B., Frercks B., Gelvonauskiene D., Stepulaitiene I., Staniene G., Siksnianas T. 2012. Characterising the genetic diversity of Lithuanian sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivars using SSR markers. Scientia Horticulturae, 142: 136–142. IF – 1.396
  53. Stanys V., Frercks B., Šikšnianienė J. B., Stepulaitienė I., Gelvonauskienė D., Bobinas Č. 2012. Identification of sweet cherry (Prunus avium L.) cultivars using AFLP and SSR markers. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (4): 437–444. IF – 0.567
  54. Stankienė J., Mažeikienė I., Gelvonauskienė D., Šikšnianienė J. B., Bobinas Č. 2012. Virological assessment of stock planting material of apple and raspberry cultivars. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (1): 93–98. IF – 0.567
  55. Statkevičiūtė G., Jonavičienė K., Semaškienė R., Leistrumaitė A., Dabkevičius Z., Brazauskas G. 2012. Barley pathogen Pyrenophora teres f. teres population structure in Lithuania. Journal of Plant Pathology, 2012, 98 (3), p. 601–608. IF – 0,688
  56. Staugaitis G., Rutkauskienė R. 2012. Effect of magnesium fertiliser on Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) in different types of soil with different carbonate content levels // Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (4): 347–356. IF – 0.567
  57. Supronienė S., Mankevičienė A., Kadžienė G., Kačergius A., Feizienė D., Feiza V., Semaškienė R., Dabkevičius Z., Tamošiūnas K. 2012. Impact of tillage and fertilization on Fusarium infection and mycotoxin production in wheat grains. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (3):  265–272. IF – 0.567
  58. Šiaudinis G., Šlepetienė A., Jasinskas A., Karčauskienė D. 2012. The evaluation of biomass and energy productivity of common mugwort (Artemisia vulgaris L.) and cup plant (Silphium perfoliatum L.) in Albeluvisol. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (4): 357–362.  IF – 0.567
  59. Šlepetys J., Šlepetienė A. 2012. Response of soil nitrogen and carbon to organic management of legume swards. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (1): 9–16. IF – 0.567
  60. Šmatas R., Makūnas V., Brazauskienė I., Petraitienė E. 2012. Sensitivity of pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus F.) to insecticides with different modes of action and their efficacy in the field conditions. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (2): 197–202.  IF – 0.567
  61. Palosuo T., Foereid B., Svensson M., Shurpali N., Lehtonen A., Herbst M., Linkosalo T., Ortiz C., Rampazzo Todorovic G., Marcinkonis S., Li C., Jandl R. 2012. A multi-model comparison of soil carbon assessment of a coniferous forest stand. Environmental Modelling & Software, 35: 38–49. IF – 3.476
  62. Tilvikienė V., Venslauskas K., Navickas K., Župerka V., Dabkevičius Z., Kadžiulienė Ž. 2012. The biomass and biogas productivity of perennial grasses. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (1): 17–22. IF – 0.567
  63. Tripolskaja L., Verbyliene I., Marcinkonis S., Razukas A., Baksiene E., Romanovskaja D. 2012. The changes of the filtration of precipitation in soil in southeastern Lithuania under the influence of climate conditions. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10 (3&4): 1359–1363.  IF – 0.517
  64. Vasaitis R., Lygis V., Vasiliauskaitė I., Vasiliauskas A. 2012. Wound occlusion and decay in Picea abies stems. European Journal of Forest Research, 131 (4): 1211–1216.   IF – 1.959
  65. Urbonaviciene D., Viskelis P., Viskelis J., Jankauskiene J., Bobinas C. 2012. Lycopene and β-carotene in non-blanched and blanched tomatoes. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10 (2): 142–146.  IF – 0.517
  66. Velička R., Marcinkevičienė A., Kosteckas R., Pupalienė R., Duchovskis P., Brazaitytė A. 2012. The influence of crop density on the photosynthetic characteristics and productivity of the spring oilseed rape under non-fertilized and fertilized conditions. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 10 (3& 4): 850–856.  IF – 0.517
  67. Velykis A., Satkus A. 2012. Response of field pea (Pisum sativum L.) growth to reduced tillage of clayey soil. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (1): 61–70.  IF – 0.567
  68. Zizas, R., Shamovich, D., Kurlavičius, P., Belova, O., Brazaitis G. 2012. Radio-tracking of Capercaillie (Tetrao urogallus L.) in North Belarus. Baltic Forestry, 18 (2): 270–277.  IF – 0.379
  69. Žvingila D., Vaitkūnienė V., Patamsytė J., Leistrumaitė A., Staniūtė M., Balčiūnienė L., Čėsnienė T., Kleizaitė V., Šiukšta R., Rančelis V. 2012. DNA polymorphism and agronomic traits of revertants from barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) mutant tw. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 99 (2): 139–148. IF – 0.567