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For agriculture
And forestry


  1. Adomaitis T., Mažvila J.,  Vaišvila Z., Arbačiauskas J.,  Antanaitis A., Lubytė J., Šumskis D. 2010. Ilgalaikio tręšimo įtaka anijonų išplovimui. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (1): 71–82.   IF – 0,232
  2. Arlauskienė A., Maikštėnienė S. 2010. The effect of cover crop and straw applied for manuring on spring barley yield and agrochemical soil properties. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (2): 61–72.  IF – 0,232
  3. Auškalnienė O.,  Pšibišauskienė G., Auškalnis A., Kadžys A. 2010. Cultivar and plant density influence on weediness in spring barley crops. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (2): 53–60.   IF – 0,232
  4. Brazaitytė A., Duchovskis P., Urbonavičiūtė A., Samuolienė G., Jankauskienė J., Sakalauskaitė J., Šabajevienė G., Sirtautas R., Novičkovas A. 2010. The effect of light-emitting diodes lighting on the growth of tomato transplants. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (2): 89–98.   IF – 0,232
  5. Brazauskas G., Pašakinskienė I., Asp T., Lubberstedt T. 2010. Nucleotide diversity and linkage disequilibrium in five genes with putative role in shoot morphology. Plant Science, 179 (3): 194–201.  IF – 2,481
  6. Butkutė B. 2010. Skirtingų rūšių siloso kokybės ir ląstelienos komponentų kaita. Veterinarija ir zootechnika, 50 (73): 8–16.   IF – 0,118
  7. Danusevičius D., Lindgren D. 2010. Efficiency of breeding strategy where grandparents – but not parents – contribute equally to the breeding population. Annals of Forest Science, 67 (4): 404–410.  IF – 1,326
  8. Feiza V., Feizienė D., Auškalnis A., Kadžienė G. 2010. Sustainable tillage: results from long-term field experiments  on Cambisol. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (2): 3–14.   IF – 0,232
  9. Feizienė D., Feiza V., Vaidelienė A., Povilaitis V., Antanaitis Š. 2010. Soil surface carbon dioxide exchange rate as affected by soil texture, different long-term tillage application and weather. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (3): 25–42.   IF – 0,232
  10. Janušauskaitė D., Čiuberkis S. 2010. Effect of different soil tillage and organic fertilizers on winter triticale and spring barley stem base diseases. Crop Protection, 29: 802–807. IF – 1,517
  11. Kaškonienė V., Venskutonis P.R., Čeksterytė V. 2010. Carbohydrate composition and electrical conductivity of different origin honeys from Lithuania. LWT – Food Science and Technology, 43: 801–807.  IF – 2,292
  12. Santala J., Samuilova O., Hannukka la A., Latvala S., Kortemaa H., Beuch U., Kvarnheden A., Persson P., Topp K., Orstad K., Spetz C., Nielsen S.L., Kirk H.G., Budziszewska M., Wieczorek P., Obrepalska – Steplowska A., Pospieszny H., Kryszczuk A., Sztangret-Wisniewska J., Yin Z., Chrzanowska M., Zimnoch – Guzowska E., Jackeviciene E., Taluntyte L., Pupola N., Michailova J., Lielmane I.,Jarvekulg L., Kotkas K., Rogozina E., Sozonov A., Tichonovich I., Horn P., Broer I., Kuusiene S., Staniulis J., Uth J.G., Adam G.,  & Valkonen J. P. T. 2010. Detection, distribution and control of potato mop-top virus, a soil-borne virus, in northen Europe. Annals of Applied Biology, 157 (2): 163–178.  IF – 1,681
  13. Marcinkonis S., Tripolskaja L., Karčauskienė D., Volungevičius J., Eidukevičienė M., Fullen M., Booth C. 2010. Interdisciplinary analysis of soil acidification hazard and its legacy effect in Lithuania. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 10: 1477–1485.  IF – 7,792
  14. Sakalauskaitė J., Brazaitytė A., Urbonavičiūtė A., Samuolienė G., Šabajevienė G., Sakalauskienė S., Duchovskis P. 2010. Radish plant behaviour under short-term elevated ozone fumigation. Central European journal of biology, 5 (5): 674–681.  IF – 0,685
  15. Jankauskienė Z., Gruzdevienė E. 2010. Evaluation of Cannabis sativa cultivars in Lithuania. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (3): 87–96.    IF – 0,232
  16. Kusta A., Kadžiulienė Ž. 2010. Veronika Vasiliauskienė – professor, full member of the Academy of Sciences, researcher and organizer of science. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (4): 123–124.   IF – 0,232
  17. Kretavičius J., Kurtinaitienė B., Račys J., Čeksterytė V. 2010. Inactivation of glucose oxidase during heat-treatment de-crystallization of honey. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (4): 115–122.  IF – 0,232
  18. Končius D., Karčauskienė D. 2010. The effect of nitrogen fertilisers, sowing time and seed rate on the productivity of Camelina sativa. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (4): 37–46.   IF – 0,232
  19. Malinauskas A., Urbaitis G. 2010. Soil Preparation for Forest Plantations in Former Farmland Haplic Arenosols with and without Plough-pan. Baltic Forestry, 16 (2): 247–254.   IF – 0,2
  20. Masilionytė L., Maikštėnienė S. 2010. The influence of various organic fertilizers and catch crops on the balance of biogenic elements in the agrosystems. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (2): 41–52.   IF – 0,232
  21. Mizaraitė D., Mizaras S., Sadauskienė L. 2010. Lithuanian private forestry: the situation, tendencies and problems. Baltic Forestry, 16 (2): 296–302.  IF – 0,2
  22. Nemeikšienė D., Arlauskienė A., Šlepetienė A., Cesevičienė J., Maikštėnienė S. 2010. Mineral nitrogen content in the soil and winter wheat productivity as influenced by the pre-crop grass species and their management. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (4): 23–36.   IF – 0,232
  23. Petrokas, R. 2010. Prerequisites for the Reproduction of Wild Cherry (Prunus avium L.). Baltic Forestry, 16 (1): 139–153.  IF – 0,2
  24. Povilaitis V., Lazauskas S. 2010. Winter wheat productivity in relation to water availability and growing intensity. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (3): 59–68.   IF – 0,232
  25. Raudonis L., Duchovskienė L., Valiuškaitė A., Survilienė E. 2010. Toxicity of biopesticides to green apple aphid, predatory insects and mite in an apple-tree orchard. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (1): 49–54.  IF – 0,232
  26. Repšienė R., Skuodienė R. 2010. The influence of liming and organic fertilisation on the changes of some agrochemical indicators and their relationship with crop weed incidence. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (4): 3–14.  IF – 0,232
  27. Samuolienė G., Brazaitytė A., Urbonavičiūtė A., Šabajevienė G., Duchovskis P. 2010. The effect of red and blue light component on the growth and development of frigo strawberries. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (2): 99–104.  IF – 0,232
  28. Statkevičiūtė G., Brazauskas G., Semaškienė R., Leistrumaitė A., Dabkevičius Z. 2010. Pyrenophora teres genetic diversity as detected by ISSR analysis. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (4): 91–98.  IF – 0,232
  29. Staugaitis G., Rutkauskienė R. 2010. Comparison of magnesium determination methods as influenced by soil properties. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (3): 105–116.   IF – 0,232
  30. Staugaitis G., Mažvila J., Šumskis D. 2010. Spatial distribution of pH data on the digital maps as affected by different soil sampling methods. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (3): 117–130.   IF – 0,232
  31. Suchockas V. 2010. Influence of Parent Trees Characteristics on Propagation of Hybrid Aspen by Root Cuttings. Baltic Forestry, 16 (1): 2–7.  IF – 0,2
  32. Suproniene S., Justesen A. F., Nicolaisen M., Mankeviciene A., Dabkevicius Z., Semaskiene R., Leistrumaite A. 2010. Distribution of trichothecene and zearalenone producing Fusarium species in grain of different cereal species and cultivars grown under organic farming conditions in Lithuania. Annals of Agricultural and Environmental Medicine (AAEM), 17: 79–86.  IF – 1,062
  33. Šarūnaitė L., Deveikytė I., Kadžiulienė Ž. 2010. Intercropping spring wheat with grain legume for increased production in an organic crop rotation. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (3): 51–58.  IF – 0,232
  34. Baležentienė L., Šėžienė V. 2010. Biochemical impact of dominant‘s of Scots pinewood cutting on germination. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 19 (1): 35–42.  IF – 0,543
  35. Šiaudinis G. 2010. The effect of nitrogen and sulphur fertilisation on the elemental composition and seed quality of spring oilseed rape. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (4): 47–56.  IF – 0,232
  36. Šlepetienė A., Liaudanskiene I., Šlepetys J., Velykis A. 2010. The influence of reduced tillage, winter crops and ecologically managed long term mono- and multi-component swards on soil humic substances. Chemistry and Ecology, 26 (suppl. 2): 97–109.  IF – 0,776
  37. Šlepetienė A., Šlepetys J., Liaudanskienė I. 2010. Chemical composition of differently used Terric Histosol. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (2): 25–32.  IF – 0,232
  38. Tripolskaja L., Šidlauskas G. 2010. Tarpinių pasėlių žaliajai trąšai ir šiaudų įtaka atmosferos kritulių filtracijai ir azoto išplovimui. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (1): 83–92.   IF – 0,232
  39. Valiuškaitė A., Survilienė E., Baniulis D. 2010. Genetic diversity and pathogenicity traits of Botrytis spp. isolated from horticultural hosts. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (4): 85–90.  IF – 0,232
  40. Bakys R., Vasiliauskas A., Ihrmark K., Stenlid J., Menkis A., Vasaitis R. 2010. Root rot, associated fungi and their impact on health condition of declining Fraxinus excelsior stands in Lithuania. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research,  26 (2): 128–135.   IF – 0,949
  41. Velykis A., Satkus A. 2010. Weed infestation and changes in field pea (Pisum sativum L.) yield as affected by reduced tillage of a clay loam soil. Zemdirbyste-Agriculture, 97 (2): 73–82.   IF – 0,232
  42. Verbylaitė R., Beišys P., Rimas V., Kuusienė S. 2010. Comparison of Ten DNA Extraction Protocols from Wood of European Aspen (Populus tremula L.). Baltic Forestry, 16 (1): 35–42.  IF – 0,2
  43. Viskelis P., Rubinskienė M., Bobinaitė R., Dambrauskienė E. 2010. Bioactive compounds and antioxidant activity of small fruits in Lithuania. Journal of Food, agriculture & Environment, 8 (3-4): 259–263. IF – 0,415
  44. Viskelis P., Anisimovienė O.N., Rubinskienė M., Jankovska-Bortkevič E., Sasnauskas A. 2010. Physical properties, anthocyanins and antioxidant activity of blackcurrant berries of different maturities. Journal of Food, Agriculture & Environment, 8 (2): 159–162.  IF – 0,415
  45. Česonienė L., Daubaras R., Venclovienė J., Viškelis P. 2010. Biochemical and agro-biological diversity of Viburnum opulus genotypes. Central European Journal of Biology, 5 (6): 864–871. IF – 0,685
  46. Zeniauskas R., Gedminas A. 2010. Insects infesting norway spruce (Picea abies Karst.) branches in clear-cuts and adjacent stands. Baltic Forestry,  16 (1): 93–101.  IF – 0,2
  47. Žiauka J., Kuusienė S. 2010. Different inhibitors of the gibberellin biosynthesis pathway elicit various responses during in vitro culture of aspen (Populus tremula L.). Plant Cell Tissue and Organ Culture, 102 (2): 221–228. IF – 1.243